I really really tried to avoid making New Years Resolutions this year. I never meet them, I feel like I'm setting myself up for failing when I make them. I hate them and they usually involve weight loss and I don't want to even think about that anymore. *sigh* But I keep telling myself in my little brain that there are things I want to accomplish in art this year. I figure, if you don't set something to reach for, you won't get any further than you are right now. So, I'm giving in and setting goals. They're different from resolutions or so I'm telling myself. Now keep on me and make sure I meet something each month! I need the accountability.
2008 Artist Goals:
1. Learn to solder with proficiency and make 2 projects
2. Quit being a ninny and make 3 larger canvases (whether collaged, painted, etc...)
3. Find my assemblage style and complete 2 larger pieces (similar to DeMeng style)
4. Use metal, old books, glass and whatnot and learn to bookbind, make 2 projects
5. Set up a power tool section in the garage and learn how to use all the tools. Make 2 projects.
6. Learn to REALLY use my sewing machine and complete 2 projects on it.
7. Learn to water felt (I already know how to needle felt) and make 2 projects.
8. Read books on sketching and drawing & make 2 larger projects
9. Learn how to use all aspects of Adobe Photoshop so I can use it in my art.
10. Move art room to the basement and spread out, organized. Must take pics.
11. Use Beeswax again, do encaustic waxing and make a couple projects
12. Take up my calligraphy again, complete 2 projects to submit to Somerset Studio
That's enough 'goal torture' for one day, don't you think? I believe I have enough to keep me busy for 12 months, don't you?!
I returned books, I picked up, I came home with 5 bags of library books for me and the kids. Here's what I'll be working my way through in the next couple weeks:
Low-Sew Boutique by Cheryl Weiderspahn
Creative Juice (DIY) by Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza
The Chinese Calligraphy Bible by Cathy Wu
What Your Daughter Isnt Telling You by Susie Shellenberger and Kathy Gowler
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker (recommended by apronthriftgirl)
The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon
Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey
Altered Curiosities by Jane Ann Wynn
Mixed-Media Collage by Holly Harrison
Simple Sewing with a French Twist by Celine Dupuy
Sock and Glove by Miyako Kanamori
Mixed Media Mosaics by Laurie Mika
Sewing Simple Slipcovers by Tracy Munn
Suminagashi: The Japanese Art of Marbling by Anne Chambers
Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing by Lotta Jansdotter and Meiko Arquillos
On my list to order from the library today:
Crafts Inc. - Meg Mateo Ilasco
The Cute Book by Aranzi Aronzo and Anne Ishii
Art from the Heart: Mixed-Media Collage by Catherine Matthews-scanlon
Fabric Art Workshop by Susan Stein
Fabric Leftovers by D'Arcy-Jean Milne
Pretty Little Pincushions by Lark Books
Bend-the-Rules Sewing by Amy Karol
Warm Fuzzies: 30 Sweet Felted Projects by Betz White
Living the Creative Life by Rice Freeman-Zachery
Upcoming books not out yet that I wanna see!
Stitched Collage by Sherrill Kahn (Feb 2008)
Art Making, Collections, and Obsessions by Lynne Perrella (Feb 2008)
Collage, Assemblage, and Altered Art by Diane Maurer-Mathison (Feb 2008)
Fusing Fabric by Margaret Beal (March 2008)
2008 Artist Goals:
1. Learn to solder with proficiency and make 2 projects
2. Quit being a ninny and make 3 larger canvases (whether collaged, painted, etc...)
3. Find my assemblage style and complete 2 larger pieces (similar to DeMeng style)
4. Use metal, old books, glass and whatnot and learn to bookbind, make 2 projects
5. Set up a power tool section in the garage and learn how to use all the tools. Make 2 projects.
6. Learn to REALLY use my sewing machine and complete 2 projects on it.
7. Learn to water felt (I already know how to needle felt) and make 2 projects.
8. Read books on sketching and drawing & make 2 larger projects
9. Learn how to use all aspects of Adobe Photoshop so I can use it in my art.
10. Move art room to the basement and spread out, organized. Must take pics.
11. Use Beeswax again, do encaustic waxing and make a couple projects
12. Take up my calligraphy again, complete 2 projects to submit to Somerset Studio
That's enough 'goal torture' for one day, don't you think? I believe I have enough to keep me busy for 12 months, don't you?!
I returned books, I picked up, I came home with 5 bags of library books for me and the kids. Here's what I'll be working my way through in the next couple weeks:
Low-Sew Boutique by Cheryl Weiderspahn
Creative Juice (DIY) by Cathie Filian and Steve Piacenza
The Chinese Calligraphy Bible by Cathy Wu
What Your Daughter Isnt Telling You by Susie Shellenberger and Kathy Gowler
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker (recommended by apronthriftgirl)
The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon
Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey
Altered Curiosities by Jane Ann Wynn
Mixed-Media Collage by Holly Harrison
Simple Sewing with a French Twist by Celine Dupuy
Sock and Glove by Miyako Kanamori
Mixed Media Mosaics by Laurie Mika
Sewing Simple Slipcovers by Tracy Munn
Suminagashi: The Japanese Art of Marbling by Anne Chambers
Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing by Lotta Jansdotter and Meiko Arquillos
On my list to order from the library today:
Crafts Inc. - Meg Mateo Ilasco
The Cute Book by Aranzi Aronzo and Anne Ishii
Art from the Heart: Mixed-Media Collage by Catherine Matthews-scanlon
Fabric Art Workshop by Susan Stein
Fabric Leftovers by D'Arcy-Jean Milne
Pretty Little Pincushions by Lark Books
Bend-the-Rules Sewing by Amy Karol
Warm Fuzzies: 30 Sweet Felted Projects by Betz White
Living the Creative Life by Rice Freeman-Zachery
Upcoming books not out yet that I wanna see!
Stitched Collage by Sherrill Kahn (Feb 2008)
Art Making, Collections, and Obsessions by Lynne Perrella (Feb 2008)
Collage, Assemblage, and Altered Art by Diane Maurer-Mathison (Feb 2008)
Fusing Fabric by Margaret Beal (March 2008)
Creative Collage by Marie Browning (Mar 2008)
Vintage Collage-Works by Sunny & Mary Jo Koch (Mar 2008)
50 Nifty Collage Cards by Peggy Jo Ackley (Apr 2008)
Three-Dimensional Papercraft by Dawn Allen (Apr 2008)
The Creative Family by Amanda Blake Soule (Apr 2008)
Bent, Bound And Stitched by Giuseppina Cirincione (May 2008)
Artist Trading Cards (Twenty to Make) by Leonie Pujol (June 2008)
Collage: Assembling Contemporary Art by Blanche Craig (Aug 2008)
The Crafter's Resource Book: Christmas by Crafthouse Press (Sept 2008)
Vintage Collage-Works by Sunny & Mary Jo Koch (Mar 2008)
50 Nifty Collage Cards by Peggy Jo Ackley (Apr 2008)
Three-Dimensional Papercraft by Dawn Allen (Apr 2008)
The Creative Family by Amanda Blake Soule (Apr 2008)
Bent, Bound And Stitched by Giuseppina Cirincione (May 2008)
Artist Trading Cards (Twenty to Make) by Leonie Pujol (June 2008)
Collage: Assembling Contemporary Art by Blanche Craig (Aug 2008)
The Crafter's Resource Book: Christmas by Crafthouse Press (Sept 2008)
I hope you enjoy the Creative Juice book and have fun completing all your goals! :) We have some fun ideas for kids in the book.
Have a crafty day!
Cathie Filian
i love resolutions ... but always make them very carefully .... i choose things that i want to do very much and that with some effort will be successful.... never weight reltated!! your art resolutions look grand ... you'll be so happy if you plow through them all .... good luck .....
I have to set "goals" instead of resoloutions, then I get to work up to them and I feel better about it
I like your list of goals and the fact that you gave yourself a set number of projects to work towards.
(Wow-cool that you got a comment from Cathie Filian--I love their show!!)
Let me know how you liked the Mixed Media Collage book by Holly Harrison-that's on my wish list!
enjoy your blog alot and all the great informatives...i subscribe also! Please enter me for the drawings....You are such an inspration and thoughtful to all!hugs,Ina
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