(dd & her cousin w/pup at Christmas)
That's exactly what this is, a post all about our new puppy. A giveaway will be in order when I'm done chatting about Clemie though (see below).
Isn't she adorable? She likes to sleep upside down, with all her bellyness hanging out (she's in the back of the photo, head to the right, butt to the left). She likes to sleep with her fake-brother/sister we happened to have that looks similar to her. At night she sleeps in a playpen next to my bed (I feel like I have a new baby! lol). It's like putting her in a crate but I had a playpen on hand instead.

That's exactly what this is, a post all about our new puppy. A giveaway will be in order when I'm done chatting about Clemie though (see below).
Isn't she adorable? She likes to sleep upside down, with all her bellyness hanging out (she's in the back of the photo, head to the right, butt to the left). She likes to sleep with her fake-brother/sister we happened to have that looks similar to her. At night she sleeps in a playpen next to my bed (I feel like I have a new baby! lol). It's like putting her in a crate but I had a playpen on hand instead.

She is a lima bean hound. My dd made the mistake of feeding her some. She's gaga for them. She waits by the chair that dd first fed her lima beans from and thinks anytime dd sits there, she's getting lima beans. Her stomach rebelled against them today so they are no longer acceptable.
Little dd made Clemie her own crown (everyone in the house received such loveliness today)... We'd call her name and she would tip her head to the side to try to figure out what we were saying. Nothing. We just wanted to take her picture! lol

Big dd gave her a bow for her fast growing hair, and let her play with dd's barking dalmatian. At first she didn't know what to make of a barking dog so she barked back. But she soon realized it wasn't real and attacked it. She dragged the dog around by its tail. I think she secretly hopes it fights back. She desperately wants a playmate. Our 2 cats think she is an annoyance at best. The tort will 'mother' her by licking and occasionally sleeping with her. The grey one won't give her the time of day. Now the bunny is a different story. He loves her. But he's a he and isn't fixed so anything that moves, he 'wants'. lol I need to fix him.

Clemie is 10 weeks old tomorrow. *sniff sniff* They grow so fast!
Okay, a reward for sitting through my gushing over our new puppy for a whole 4 paragraphs. I just realized today that in exactly 1 MONTH I will have been in blogland for a whole YEAR! That's exciting to me, because I never stick with anything! lol In honor of this momentous occasion, I am giving away a package of goodies once a week until my blogland-anniversary, culled from my newly organized/semi-organized art room. I'll get a sneak peek of the items posted soon!
You'll love it. You just might see some of my artwork sneaking into the packets as well. Just reply to this post by next Wednesday night (Jan 23rd) and I'll draw a winner on Thursday. Then we'll start all over again! Post with some info about your pet (or one you would like to own) and one of your favorite books to read. I need a list of new books to peruse. Tell your friends to come play to win as well! Have a creative day!
Clemie is so adorable and yes, they do grow so fast. Jackster is a rat-terrier and shitzu mixed; or a ratzu. he is so spunky and he drags out my grandkids beanie-baby collection and plays/fights with them. He throws them up and then attacks them as if they were after him. So funny to watch! Kathy Eddy
What a lovely new baby at your house.
Such a cute puppy Kris!
Hey Kris - adorable Clemie photos! I'd love to see your puppy next to our Newfie - I bet they'd be fast friends!
Favorite book right now? Newest collection of Margaret Atwood poetry - there's even a CD enclosed of her reading some of her work. Haven't read the book yet, but she's my favorite author. I'm bound to be hooked!
Cute little fur balls! I love your artwork and blog! Denise Mass.
Just love your puppy, I have a Yorkie/shizu mix his name is Emmett. He steals the show! I've had my baby a year now but your right you feel like it's a baby he slept next to my bed in a crate. Now he's trustworthy he sleeps with me. Don't know what I would do without the little man.
What a precious little one you have!! Have fun with your new baby girl!!
Hugs and Blessings,
First of all thank you sooo much for the very nice comment you left on my blog. After seeing your work, I am very honored about you comming over to my little world. I want to comment on all the work, but it's 3am here..lol But, this dog is adorable. It's sooooooo cute.
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