Didn't he ramble, didn't he ramble
He rambled all around, in and out of town
Didn't he ramble, didn't he ramble
He rambled till the butcher cut him down
He rambled through the city
He rambled through the street
Little ol lady pass him said
"Look at the market meat!"
Didn't he ramble, didn't he ramble
He rambled all around, in and out of town
Didn't he ramble, didn't he ramble
He rambled till the butcher cut him down.
Oh, that sounds a bit morbid doesn't it? Every time I say the word ramble I break out into this song though. Go figure. (It's by Harry Connick Jr. and I can hear him singing it in my head.)
This is a ramble of a post, full of little tidbits from yesterday and today's activities because you know I just like to be chatty contessa sometimes. So many things inside the brain today...
I'm still working on the new art room. This week and last has been all about fabric. I love seeing it start to all line up on the shelves, just waiting to be petted and used if I can part with any.

Have you been keeping track of your creative days? I have. I'm hoping my days of art only increase.

Upon seeing my chart on the wall, the little one said 'I bet you can't do art 10 days in a row.' I tried my best but made it to 9. Definitely this month!

Last night I wanted to work on something without instruction or worrying about if it 'looks right.' I chose to try continuous line drawing. The gorgeous flower that DH gave me for Valentine's Day has finally reached the pretty and dried out stage so I worked with it for my drawing. I got a bit lost in the middle, trying to remember if I had included this petal or that yet. I like it though.

And last but not least of the rambles... meet my new studio friends. They keep me company.