Have you ever had a blog convo all to yourself? Maybe lying in bed trying to sleep, and its a good convo. And you think, 'when I get up I'm so blogging this.' But you wake up and all you can muster is a 'hi, I'm here. Not much to say...' It's like those dreams you never remember. You swear they were fabulous dreams/stories if only you could remember, but you've lost them forever to the black abyss. Yeah, that's kind of like my day today.
So, I watched the Jane Austen Book Club last night. The characters are so intriquing. You want to see more about their lives. Kind of like the characters in Jane Austen's books. Was Elizabeth happy after marrying Mr. Darcy? We'll never know. Although there are a few books that propose what might/could have been.
Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife (a little racy) by Linda Berdoll
A Novel of Fitzwilliam Darcy Gentlemen (there is a trilogy) by Pamela Aidan
I see that Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife also has another book to it as well:
Darcy & Elizabeth: Nights and Days at Pemberley
Darcy & Elizabeth: Nights and Days at Pemberley
My good friend Kersten read 'Takes a Wife' and says they manage to make it OUT of the bedroom the 2nd half of the book so it might be worth the read. If you read it let me know.
The movie was comfortable feeling. I would love friends who you do things with often, share your lives with, who come running when your dog dies. I have a few friends like this, local friends who even babysat my dog while I had surgery. Now that's saying something, since she is a new puppy and not housetrained! lol I loved all the intimate details of the scenes. Sylvia's red front door (always wanted one), Jocelyn's lovely front porch. Made me wish for the days of lemonade sipping, book reading, visiting with neighbors and family on the porch. Days I'm never known but in my head. I need to get me one of those porches!
Most of all, the movie made me hungry to read/re-read the Jane Austen books. I've read maybe 1 or 2, but I was embarrassed when (I think it was) Bernadette said she talks about Jane Austen and people say 'Oh, I love Jane Austen. The movies are great.' That's me. I've watched the movies. It's high time I read the books. I'm starting with Emma. Anyone want to join me?
(Couple more pins that can be found in my Etsy store. Forgot to take a pic of the giveaway one. Will post in next post.)

Ooh - Kris, I adore you bling brooch - PRETTY! I must have been a raven in a former life. All things sparkly and shiny...
Anyway, I have my recently acquired complete collection of Jane Austen readings. I would be happy to start with Emma. Will start tonight and keep you updated.
I've not watched The Jane Austen Book Club. Will add it to my list of movies Rie and I should watch while Bruce is halibut fishing next weekend. Is it out on DVD?
Hi Kris- I read (several times) Austen's books 10 years ago or so, but got rid of them in my last move. So for Christmas I asked my husband for all of them and he came through! I haven't started the pile yet, but I'll start Emma with you. I also just picked up Becoming Jane... going to watch that soon. I still need to get the Book Club though.
Your broaches are lovely by the way. Have a nice day.
I do the blog talking all the time and I'm even worse. I'll think of all sorts of funny things to say while in the car on my way homefrom work. When I sit down at my computer a short time later - they're gone.
I love Jane Austen (thus, one of girl child's middle names is Jane).
Emily didn't make the cut, poor thing.
Still haven't found the body aprons, but haven't given up hope, if you still need one. That and other body things. We have a giant ear model, human body model,
body game, let me know.
The quilty pins are adorable.
and I wish I had a porch, and friends that dropped by to drink lemonade on balmy evenings. Or coffee on cold ones, but then they'd have to be really GOOD friends, who wouldn't "see" the somewhat unkempt house . . .
Hello Kris,
I saw your blog posted on flickr. Love your art so I thought I'd check out your blog. I read the first post about your daughters & the fish. Can totally relate. I think it's the whole curiousity thing.
Then I read this post. I too love Jane Austen. Though I've never read one! So maybe I should say... I love Jane Austen movies!!! The book club movie was good. Hope you saw the extras with how each of the book club characters represented a somebody from an Austen book. Very helpful for me.
I would love to start with Emma. I can pick it up at the library tomorrow. Maybe I could join you with your book club here? If it would be ok. Your puppy is adorable!! Is it a little Shih Tzu? As for front porches we have a small one though not covered. The weather has been extremely nice for this time of year. Wish I could have all the Jane readers over. Though I think we would all fit better on the deck out back.
Northern CA
love your pins!!
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