I think I'm getting into spring cleaning mood. We swept the kitchen floor today. I call that some spring cleaning. Just kidding. I pulled out several things I made a while ago and went ahead and listed them on Etsy. I figure, if they're just going to sit around and don't go with my decor, why have them? I can't bear to throw anything way (sorry, DH) so off to etsy they go.

I talked about my new project a couple posts back and now I can share. I opened a new Etsy store. I know, I've been all about 'Etsy' lately but I'm trying to get rid of stuff in the art room plus need to pay for children's camps and mission trips this summer so I've stepped up my listing. Anyway, I finally got around to building some Collage Sheets of Vintage Images I own and have listed them in a new store. www.CollageCuriosities.etsy.com. I will continue to put sheets and other supplies in this new store. If you're needing something, let me know, I just might have it. This week I'm adding vintage music sheets, wallpaper, and I think I have trims ready to list. Oh, and a couple more sheets. Having an opening special, 3 collage sheets for $10.

Back to my spring thought, I'm so ready for it to come (minus the tornadoes of course.) Here's some pics from last year's springtime. (The last 2 pics are 'unfortunately' from mom's trip to Staniel Cay, not mine.)

your latest artwork is fabulous!!! love it1
wow...look at all these awesome pics. Of course all of your art looks wonderful. Love the pics of springtime. The two bottom ones are gorgeous.
Had to come by and wish you and your family a Happy Easter. Later :)
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