Raise your hand if you have girls. (DH raise your hand, I'm talking about yours.) Do your girls do things like this? One is 8, another is 15.
They took a break from homeschool for a bit today to go play outside with pup pup in the beautiful weather. They ended up digging up our fish that died after the holidays. 'Just to see if he had turned to bones yet' was their excuse. They made me come look. He's drying like beef jerky. Anyway, fish need proper burial I guess. Mr. Chanel now has one. They raised the leaf flag over his poor dehydrated body and DD played the wedding march dum-dum-dum-dummmm... (which she thought should be played at a funeral) on the bat with a spoon. An 8 year old in Teletubbie pants out in the yard at a fish funeral. Ahhh, those crazy homeschoolers! (doesn't this bring to mind the famous Rudy and the dead fish episode on The Cosby Show?)

I've been working on a project I'm not ready to share just yet. But its taking up much of my creating time and if my scanner will work again I'll be a happy camper. I have pulled out several Works-in-Progress that weren't getting much progress. Mostly canvases I haven't finished. Hoping to give them some love this weekend.

On Altered Gypsy we are doing a monthly project out of Somerset Studio Magazine. January was crowns (sorry, not posted yet, its being published), February was Paper Scrap girls. I think March we're going with 3D houses or houses of some kind. I was playing around with an old bottle of liquid nails yesterday to see if it was still potent and it is. So I think I have the beginnings of some fun houses! I'll post when they're finished.

It's a gorgeous spring day today. Better enjoy it while we can. Saturday its supposed to snow. Ugh. In the meantime, little dd is laying out in the yard on a blanket, drawing pics of China things (ie; panda, Great Wall) into her little booklet she wanted to make for social studies 'to remember it for all time' she said. Her hair is pinned up with black chopsticks that her sister put there (didn't want her pic taken). She's embracing the culture already.

Remind the kids about the cat out behind the apple tree ;)
(at least before I get home)
YA don't see that everyday!!!
why did they rebury Chanel?
I have a mean recipe for Jamaician
Fish jerky stew...yum
reel those kids in Hon!!!
(Pardon the pun)
See ya inna bit
Your husband is a goofball, too!
Good to know.
Look, do NOT toss off remarks like
"getting published" in such a casual manner. This is cause for rejoicing in the land! Share your good tidings with us!
I'm so excited for you--tell when, so we can all plan accordingly.
Ok. Glad I'm not a fish at your house. LOLOLOLOL
RIP little fish!
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