Yes I fell off the face of the earth. The precipice of my existence proved too powerful to resist and I tumbled head over clogs into the nothingness of 'where did the last week go?' abyss.

You don't want to hear about what has been going on. Really you don't. It's just one thing after another; between some injuries, sick ones, bedrest, more sickness and the teen running away from home to join the circus (well, not really but she did run off on spring break to hike and hit up Silver Dollar City and left us here in our misery we call Illness Central), we're keeping our heads above water. Oh joys! But enough about the niceties of life. How's your world these days?
I haven't been doing much art as of late because of all that life is throwing at us. Let me tell you the bad side of putting the art room/studio in the basement. You don't want to walk to it when your hip hurts! That also left out doing any laundry so there was a plus to it I guess. hehe I have however been reintroduced to two shows I love: 17 Kids and Counting (now 18) and Bewitched. I love Bewitched especially. I still can't remember how they handled the problem of switching to a new Darrin (from Dick York to Dick Sargent, York being MY personal fav) and Sam not missing a beat. Maybe a spell was cast on him to change his looks? I don't remember but they are playing an awful lot of episodes so I'm sure to find out soon. 17 Kids & Counting. Boy, I thought 2 kids were a handful but they embrace all the ups and downs of that many children with grace and favor and I certainly give them kuddos.
Dh has shared his laptop while we've been recouping so I've been visiting blogs when I could get online.
** Trisha has been playing with dolls again.
Have fun blog hopping. As soon as this cold/cough abates, I will be back to some hard creating. I've been reading two art books that are super inspiring. 1000 Journals Project and Confident Color. So fabulous! Also reading Peter Walsh's clutter-free book, It's All Too Much. Great book, I love him on Clean Sweep. Happy Creating!
P.S. I just posted some new recipes over at my foodies blog. My mouth is watering already.

You don't want to hear about what has been going on. Really you don't. It's just one thing after another; between some injuries, sick ones, bedrest, more sickness and the teen running away from home to join the circus (well, not really but she did run off on spring break to hike and hit up Silver Dollar City and left us here in our misery we call Illness Central), we're keeping our heads above water. Oh joys! But enough about the niceties of life. How's your world these days?
I haven't been doing much art as of late because of all that life is throwing at us. Let me tell you the bad side of putting the art room/studio in the basement. You don't want to walk to it when your hip hurts! That also left out doing any laundry so there was a plus to it I guess. hehe I have however been reintroduced to two shows I love: 17 Kids and Counting (now 18) and Bewitched. I love Bewitched especially. I still can't remember how they handled the problem of switching to a new Darrin (from Dick York to Dick Sargent, York being MY personal fav) and Sam not missing a beat. Maybe a spell was cast on him to change his looks? I don't remember but they are playing an awful lot of episodes so I'm sure to find out soon. 17 Kids & Counting. Boy, I thought 2 kids were a handful but they embrace all the ups and downs of that many children with grace and favor and I certainly give them kuddos.
Dh has shared his laptop while we've been recouping so I've been visiting blogs when I could get online.
** Trisha has been playing with dolls again.
** Sweet Repeats has been doing some yummy work with purple. Yes, you know how much I dislike purple but her new pieces are *gasp* making me want some purple paint! Yeah, go figure...
** Vallen made the most beautiful shirt out of an old quilt topper. I don't know if I'm brave enough to cut up an entire quilt. I've made brooches out of a vintage 1928 quilt I had but it was just a small piece. Here's some I still have in my Etsy store.Spin Me Round Brooch

Pretty In Pink Brooch

Pretty In Pink Brooch

** I love Kersten's new Spring piece. Makes me enjoy the warmer weather we've been having and hoping it will stick around.
** The Crafty Chica has been inspiring me with the new lanterns she decorated with Papel Picado papers, very like the banner set I bought while at Epcot in January! I planned to display the banner of papers across my art room RED wall but now I might be thinking I need a few lanterns too!
** You can't ever go wrong by popping over to Fancy Picnic's blog. She always has something scrumptious in progress on her desk!
** A new blog I discovered last week, The Hunt For Vintage, is a girl after my own heart. She has a dining room cabinet I'm drooling over. And I found out she lives near me! She'll know that too if I ever catch up and respond to her email. I really do try to keep up with comments.
** Oh my goodness! DH! I have found a use for all those vintage pillowcases that I keep bringing home and stuffing in the closet. Skirts! See here at Pink Picket Fence. Wouldn't the little one look adorable in one of those?! I also saw beautiful Pillowcase Tankies here last week. Gotta make one of those. Would be perfect as dresses for the little niece twins too!
** The Crafty Chica has been inspiring me with the new lanterns she decorated with Papel Picado papers, very like the banner set I bought while at Epcot in January! I planned to display the banner of papers across my art room RED wall but now I might be thinking I need a few lanterns too!
** You can't ever go wrong by popping over to Fancy Picnic's blog. She always has something scrumptious in progress on her desk!
** Teesha took a unique class with Carla Sonheim (scroll down on Teesha's main page to see days 1 and 2 projects.) I am officially jealous and wish I could have attended too. Might try these ideas they did as art projects for the girls.
** Rhonda, my friend and Stampin UP demonstrator has been whipping up beautiful cards. I hope we get to make one of them at club tonight!** A new blog I discovered last week, The Hunt For Vintage, is a girl after my own heart. She has a dining room cabinet I'm drooling over. And I found out she lives near me! She'll know that too if I ever catch up and respond to her email. I really do try to keep up with comments.
** Oh my goodness! DH! I have found a use for all those vintage pillowcases that I keep bringing home and stuffing in the closet. Skirts! See here at Pink Picket Fence. Wouldn't the little one look adorable in one of those?! I also saw beautiful Pillowcase Tankies here last week. Gotta make one of those. Would be perfect as dresses for the little niece twins too!
Have fun blog hopping. As soon as this cold/cough abates, I will be back to some hard creating. I've been reading two art books that are super inspiring. 1000 Journals Project and Confident Color. So fabulous! Also reading Peter Walsh's clutter-free book, It's All Too Much. Great book, I love him on Clean Sweep. Happy Creating!
P.S. I just posted some new recipes over at my foodies blog. My mouth is watering already.
I hear you on illness central and feeling like you're falling of the edge! Sorry about your hip, hope you get to reap more of the benefits of a bigger studio.
Come and visit my blog when you get a chance... I'm soliciting advice:)
Hi Kris,
Here's hoping that you feel better soon, I loved Bewitched too, I still think ,if I twitch my nose magical things will happen LOL!
You would think, since I live in that imaginary world where I'm sure I will one day have an organized home and will lose that mass amount of weight I wanna lose, I could somehow figure out how to twitch my nose just right that I would be Samantha too. I could sure use some nose twitching. But Then I also think that if I cross my arms just right and flip my ponytailed head foreword just 'so' I'll have magical powers as well. I'll keep working on it.
that's right I'm playing with dolls--between that and spring overhauling the house, there hasn't been time to play. ppptthhhbbbbtttt. (that was a disgusted noise, not a rude noise.)
that dip and that cake were both
D E L I C I O U S ! ! !
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