I thought we'd start Friday's homeschool day with some drawing. And what better idea than to use the Illustration Friday prompt as a jumping off point? We looked up this week's word, Poise.
poise (v): 1. balance ; especially : to hold or carry in equilibrium. 2. to hold or carry (the head) in a particular way.
poise (n): 1. a stably balanced state : equilibrium. 2. easy self-possessed assurance of manner : gracious tact in coping or handling.
The girls, after a bit of reluctance, embraced the art time.
The Little One (age 9 1/2 yrs)

The Teen (age 16 1/2 yrs)

Me (age you-don't-need-to-know). This is supposed to represent me and my balancing act of life but apparently I must feel like a balding old man today! Even though I'm a girl... figure that one out will ya? ha

Can you tell who has had a whole year of drawing classes? It wasn't me... Sorry about the picture quality. Just couldn't get it right today and don't have the time to play with it. Click to get a closeup view.
The Little One also drew a picture of me. Isn't she sweet?

Happy Friday to you. Have a blessed weekend.
poise (v): 1. balance ; especially : to hold or carry in equilibrium
poise (n): 1. a stably balanced state : equilibrium. 2. easy self-possessed assurance of manner : gracious tact in coping or handling.
The girls, after a bit of reluctance, embraced the art time.
The Little One (age 9 1/2 yrs)

The Teen (age 16 1/2 yrs)

Me (age you-don't-need-to-know). This is supposed to represent me and my balancing act of life but apparently I must feel like a balding old man today! Even though I'm a girl... figure that one out will ya? ha

Can you tell who has had a whole year of drawing classes? It wasn't me... Sorry about the picture quality. Just couldn't get it right today and don't have the time to play with it. Click to get a closeup view.
The Little One also drew a picture of me. Isn't she sweet?

these are great! treasures forever!
I'm enjoying the papers you sent btw - thanks again!
Love the camel!! And he's walking!
Balding old man???? Interesting interpretation. I like all the items you placed on your scale. The time clock vs. the artist palette!
So what's in the box on the girl's head? Love the details-look at the buttons and pleats on the dress-nicely done DD#2.
I asked. The teen said 'inside the basket on her head is fabrics, a bottle and an orange.' ha So diverse isn't she?!
Kris - these are so telling...what a wonderful exercise...
neat exercise!
you have a good weekend, too!
A very clever exercise indeed. These are wonderful and definately keepers. It is amazing how youngsters interpret the world around them. I love to see those interpretations in art of some form. Thanks for sharing!
great blog!
I am so happy to have stumbled in here!
fellow mom, home educator, artist, circus performer, etsian...
These are marvellous! I love art by children - honest and bold, perfect.
Love the portrait - that's a treasure!
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