Then on this post at Semiprecious Salvage, a poster mentioned a movie based on the very book I had just looked through! Now I must see that movie. I'm very impressionable see? hehe I've ordered it from the library. I'm going to quickly read the book so I can know what the movie will be about. Isn't it fun how our lives can connect over the internet in so many ways?

P.S. Wishing you a happy Easter! May God's love wind through your life, may you see him in everything. Thanks be to God for taking on our transgressions and making us whole.
Painting by the teen.
Finger painting is always best!! Can't wait to see what your finished pieces look like. Love the rhinestones! Tell your teenager that her bunny needs a black circle around one eye and we can call her Snowy!!!
Hi Kris,
I am sooooo looooooking forward to this finished piece..I have been making a whole lot of those paper flowers of late... I love them however never thought to put a piece of vintage bling on them...thanks for the idea.
take care
chriss x
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