Knowledge. I have a thirst for it, whether through reading new books, studying the ACT with the teen (she hates it, I don't) or trying out the latest art technique. I love learning. I'm sure I've mentioned this before.
I was visiting blogs today and came across Pink Chalk Studio's post about the books on her table. I'm always fascinated by the piles people are reading at any given moment. I usually find a new book I've never heard of, when someone shares their favs.
On my studio worktable I have a pile of movies and books on CD so I can do art AND enrich my brain or tickle the funny bone at the same time!

At the moment, being voracious readers AND homeschoolers, we have 64 books out of the library (after I just returned about 50 yesterday!) Most are kids books and videos for our World History study but I do have several that I can call my own. Now to just find the time to READ all of them!
1. Ready for anything : 52 productivity principles for work and life - David Allen
2. The 1000 Journals Project - Someguy
3. Simple printmaking : a beginner's guide to making relief prints with linoleum blocks, wood blocks, rubber stamps, found objects & more - Gwen Diehn
4. The encyclopedia of printmaking techniques - Judy Martin
5. Printmaking for beginners - Jane Stobart
6. Handmade prints : an introduction to creative printmaking without a press - Anne Desmet
7. Confident color : an artist's guide to harmony, contrast and unity - Nita Leland
8. It's all too much : an easy plan for living a richer life with less stuff - Peter Walsh
9. Have a new kid by Friday : how to change your child's attitude, behavior & character in 5 days - Kevin Leman
10. Wrap, stitch, fold & rivet : making designer metal jewelry - Mary Hettmansperger
11. Living the creative life : ideas and inspiration from working artists - Rice Freeman-Zachery
12. The creative family : how to encourage imagination & nurture family connections - Amanda Blake Soule
What are you reading these days? Care to share your list or a picture?
(note: La Connaissance, as far as I can figure out means 'knowledge' in french. Faire La Connaissance is 'To make The Acquaintance'.)
I was visiting blogs today and came across Pink Chalk Studio's post about the books on her table. I'm always fascinated by the piles people are reading at any given moment. I usually find a new book I've never heard of, when someone shares their favs.
On my studio worktable I have a pile of movies and books on CD so I can do art AND enrich my brain or tickle the funny bone at the same time!

At the moment, being voracious readers AND homeschoolers, we have 64 books out of the library (after I just returned about 50 yesterday!) Most are kids books and videos for our World History study but I do have several that I can call my own. Now to just find the time to READ all of them!
1. Ready for anything : 52 productivity principles for work and life - David Allen
2. The 1000 Journals Project - Someguy
3. Simple printmaking : a beginner's guide to making relief prints with linoleum blocks, wood blocks, rubber stamps, found objects & more - Gwen Diehn
4. The encyclopedia of printmaking techniques - Judy Martin
5. Printmaking for beginners - Jane Stobart
6. Handmade prints : an introduction to creative printmaking without a press - Anne Desmet
7. Confident color : an artist's guide to harmony, contrast and unity - Nita Leland
8. It's all too much : an easy plan for living a richer life with less stuff - Peter Walsh
9. Have a new kid by Friday : how to change your child's attitude, behavior & character in 5 days - Kevin Leman
10. Wrap, stitch, fold & rivet : making designer metal jewelry - Mary Hettmansperger
11. Living the creative life : ideas and inspiration from working artists - Rice Freeman-Zachery
12. The creative family : how to encourage imagination & nurture family connections - Amanda Blake Soule
What are you reading these days? Care to share your list or a picture?
(note: La Connaissance, as far as I can figure out means 'knowledge' in french. Faire La Connaissance is 'To make The Acquaintance'.)
I love hearing what others are reading. I'm reading lots of books on permaculture in hope that when we move we can buy some land and have a small farm.
The bible and that's about it. lol
I'm always astonished and amazed though at those with insatiable appetites for reading.
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