It's been a busy week so far. Has it been a busy week for you? It's not like we've gone anywhere. In fact, God threw beautiful fluffy white snow at us today. Such a surprise. I guess if I watched the news I probably would have known he was going to do that. Let's see. What have I done in my boring life this week?
eFiled my taxes. eFiled again (made a mistake.) Can't wait for the money. 'We're gettin' new furniture' (sung in a sing-song voice). I'm so happy. I need a kitchen table and a couch and maybe a new pluffy chair for the living room too. Can't remember the last time I had new furniture. I'm sure I'll try to sneak in a couple new art tools too (like a Dremel tool. Do you think DH is reading this? *shock*)
Ordered from Dick Blick again. Their canvas sale is too good to resist. Plus I talked 3 friends into some orders as well, so we combined. The big watercolor paper is a fabulous price too (90 lb & 140 lb). I can't wait to use it.
Been making new things. I feel so artsy and inspired this week and over the weekend. Don't know why. I got some more iron in me, so maybe I just needed the boost of energy? Made some cards (sold one too!), ATCs, a couple new canvases and threw them all up on
I bought some things for the girls on Etsy too, for Valentine's Day. There is something about buying handmade stuff from handmakers. Supporting their habit is like condoning mine. I like that. Plus they make great stuff. I bought this for 14 yr old, and this for my 7 yr old. Ohh, bought soap ends too, to try out for DD's excema. Hoping something works.
That's about it in my life. Oh, and I think we ate our way through 6 boxes of Girl Scout cookies, in one week?
You got to file your taxes AND eat girl scout cookies? I'm still waiting for the cookies and my W2!!! No fair!!!
I just love what you are doing! Your new art is so inspiring and FABULOUS!!!
You make such beautiful things. It's like visiting an art gallery whenever I come here. :)
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