Finally, before I run back to cleaning my art room, the First Blog Challenge of 2007 was posted on ScrapAddict and I promised *hand held up high, solemning swearing* to participate this year... Here goes:
"2007 is here. What do you want to accomplish for YOURSELF this year? What are you goals or dreams? What are you most looking forward to? Give us a prediction of how you see your life going in 2007."
I'm looking forward to the whole year. After all, if you're not looking forward to a whole, unwritten year of opportunities to come, then what is the point in smiling at all? This year for me, is all about focus and reduction. I want to focus my interests. Figure out what I like most about art and do that (and stop telling myself I 'can't' do something). Focus my energies on what is best for me, my family and what God wants me to do/be. I also want to reduce the amount of stuff we have collected. Many previous businesses of stuff is in my basement, each room has too much stuff and not enough places for it all and it frustrates us when we can't find something or keep the place clean. This is a huge one for me. Making our home our sanctuary again. A place we want to be and feels comfortable. Lastly, I think its going to be a great year. With my parents now moved back in town, its just nice to have them nearby again. All is right with the world as I see it...
Hey it's Jen from Craft Lab. Your crayon paintings look great! I love the cupcakes too. Keep an eye peeled we use mini irons a lot in the Craft Lab, especially when Traci is around :)
Wow!!! those paintings rock! Beautiful project!
Your girls must have so much fun doing art stuff with you! I always come up with ideas, but then we get distracted with "real" stuff and forget to do the fun stuff. We need to do more creative stuff.
Oh, oh, oh--get one of those old 60's-70's warming trays (don't pretend like you don't go to thrift stores!), put foil over it, and then the paper, and then color on it with crayons. It's so much fun, we still do it!
i heart crayon cupcakes!! i'm glad you got to catch my episode on Craft Lab. It's so awesome to see that you've got your daughters "playing" and doing art!! Outstanding. enjoy more painting with crayons...
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