*NOTE: If you're reading along, you are TAGGED! Answer these questions and link back and I'll come visit your blog!*
Complete these sentences:
1. I've come to realize that my life is... messy. Not sure I like it this way or not, but it is what it is so I work around it.
2. I am listening to... my child whine about being tired. She thinks it will get her out of having to do homeschool. *mommy eyeroll happenin' right here*
3. I talk... fast, alot and over people sometimes. Very bad habit. But I have such a pletheora of useless knowledge to impart to others! (NOT!)
4. I love... when it rains. I wanna curl up in my quilts & pillows, hug my kids, have hot chocolate, popcorn and play board games all day. I think this is what we must have done sometimes on rainy days when I was a kid. Thanks mom.
5. My best friends... change with time. In fact, what really is a best friend? I usually think of my mom as my best friend, or my oldest DD, because I talk to them the most about stuff. I do stuff with them for fun. But I don't have too many girlfriends that I go out to lunch with, shop with, etc... Not as I've gotten older.
6. Love is... hugs, and smiles and kind words. Its daily struggles, bills, trips to the store for groceries. Love is the doing and being of everyday life with family and special friends. Love is not so much an emotion as a physical showing of how much you value a person. Love is hard sometimes but so worth it.
7. Somewhere, someone is thinking... 'I could've had a V-8!' Or maybe 'why am I reading this boring blog?' ha
8. I'll always ... have a brain that goes a mile a minute. DH says he wonders what goes on in my little brain. I'm always thinking of something, making lists, crafting something in there, filing away useful and useless information for future use. I never want to become lethargic in my thinking.
9. The last time I cried was because... I fell down hard on the ice and snow in November. Hurt my hip. Not fun.
10. My cell phone... is probably an unnecessary expense since I'm home most the time. But as soon as I leave the house without it, I feel lost. I feel safer and more connected with it. I don't have to guess what others might want, I just call.
11. Before I go to bed... I plan to read my John Grisham book 'The Innocent Man', or at least a good portion of it.
12. Right now I am thinking about... how adorable my DD looks right now in the circle chair in the living room, next to the lit up Christmas tree, falling fast asleep. (Yes! for those keeping track, I gave in and let her lay down.)
13. Today I... will try to be less rigid, less easily irritated, more affable to my family.
14. Tonight I will... cook dinner, do more art, wash some clothes and enjoy my DH and kids. (Yes, dear, I said cook dinner. Don't faint!)
15. Tomorrow I will be... better at eating healthier (she says as she stuffs leftover enchiladas in her mouth.)
I love the thought of your daughter all curled up in the chair falling asleep. Too cute. :)
LOL!! I love your answers!! And those wall hangings are really pretty too!!
hey Kris...those tiles are great. Do you seal them with anything? loved reading all your answers...i never even did your last tag since it has been so busy lately :o(
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