"Mom, I need scissors and paper."
"Why? You're supposed to be reading."
"I'm done, I want to make something."
She goes off to make something and brings back this adorable statue of a girl.
"Ohhh, a wedding girl! How sweet!"
"Mom, it's YOU!"
"Ohhhh, I look beautiful! Thank you!"
"Can you scan it mom? (but she takes it back from me), oops, you need daddy!"
Off she goes to make daddy, then eventually adds herself in the middle.
"Mom, should I put sissy's head and neck?"
"Sweetie, it's YOUR art piece."
"Mom (in an exasperated tone), you mean my MASTERPIECE!"
"Oh, of course dear."

('Masterpiece' made with toilet paper, Q-Tips, Cardstock, Crayons and Scotch tape of course.)
Hey Contessa Kris! Tell Sophia I LOVE her masterpiece! Are those q-tips??? What I think is amazing is the same things are discussed on someone's Blog, there's a sublime connection?!!! Anyway, go to my Blog and click onto the CAKES comment and go to Chel's Blog, she's talking about Q-tips! LOL ps. laughter is the BEST medicine!
How absolutely precious. You gotta scrap this!!!
That is so adorable.
She did an absolutely wonderful job! Great job on your masterpiece Sophia
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