I had a 'Monday' thought. Instead of thinking on Mondays that I won't get art time this week, I'm going to make a goal. On Mondays I will post a 'musing', saying or quote and make a goal to create a piece of artwork for that topic. I challenge the 2 people who read my blog (and any others that stumble across my echo chamber) to join me. Comment on this post when you have a piece of artwork in this theme to share, by Sunday night. Next Monday I'll post with a list of everyone's artwork (with links to it), and post a new musing. Come on, it will be fun! Everyone needs a goal. *wink*
Here goes. Since I'm feeling blessed today, we'll do 'BLESSINGS'. Here are some sayings to get you started in the right direction:
"Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference.They bless the one who receives them,and they bless you,the giver.” - Barbara DeAngelis
"God bless the roots! Body and soul are one.” - Theodore Roethke
"The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into a room is indeed blessed.” - Bennet Cerf
“A friend is one with whom you are comfortable, to whom you are loyal, through whom you are blessed, and for whom you are grateful.” - William Arthur Ward
“Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.” - Albert Camus
“Art is essentially the affirmation, the blessing, and the deification of existence” - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, for we shall never cease to be amused." - unknown
PCYCHE!!!! lol is that the right spelling even??? LOL Your enthusiasm is contagious, I'll be back when I have something ready!!! Thanks! Mondays don't have to be Blue, they can be a RAINBOW OF COLORS!!!Yessss! WOOOOO HOOOOO! Wow! You are bringing out some groovy thoughts in me! Thanks! I might just post that quote!!! LOL
Hey Contessa Kris! I have a collage done for Monday Musings but it didn't come out too good on my Blog, could I email you the pic, maybe you can get it to come out better!!! I was messing with my other pics while I was blogging that second pic in soooo maybe that's why it looks soooo shoddy! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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