I'll admit it, I'm not rich. I just can't buy all the books and magazines I drool over at Borders and B&N. I wish I could, but I have a voracious appetite for reading and books, so what is a girl to do? DD and I love to go to Borders, grab a coffee & muffin (she gets a Kahlua Mocha Freeze - expensive little suckers...), some books and mags and plop down and read for hours.
Here is the confession: I bring my journal and a pen. I sketch out ideas from the art books and mags, write down websites to visit, companies to look up, things I 'wish' to buy, techniques to try. I write down names of new books, so I can order them through the library. The problem is, I feel guilty! Like I need to hide my journal so no one working there knows! Does anyone else do this? It feels almost like walking through a donut store, licking the donuts just for a taste, but not buying any. KWIM?
Well, while I was feeling guilty jotting down ideas and notes, these are the fabulous books I looked through today (You should give them a gander.):
Collage With Color - Jane Davies
Art Stamping Workshop - Gloria Page (it was so WEIRD that I happened to pick this one up! Not 10 mins before, I was at Michaels and bought a rubber stamp carving kit with my 40% off coupon! This book talked all about doing that!)
Fabric Art Journals - Pam Sussman (even if you have never sewed a lick, this book is going to make you go in search of a needle, thread and/or sewing machine. YUM!)
Altered Books, Collaborative Journals, and other Adventures in Bookmaking - Holly Harrison (yummy illustrations)
Collage Sourcebook (I HAVE to own this book!)
Complete Guide to Altered Imagery (I'll admit, I had this out from the library for the last month but had to give it back. I couldn't stand it. I had to look at it again at the bookstore. It's on my list to own as well.)
i have a vonderful time vit you at the vonderful borders, vit is like bookstore o' mania!!! vit has EVERY book you could possibly imagine!!! i like my 'kahlua mocha's'... thank you very much! lol thx vor buyin me one i amore them! thx vor a vonderous time!
au revoir, ma cherie!
your vonderful emo alexx (DD)
Oh my word! Who let YOU loose on a computer? And quit practicing your french speaking accent! ha Love you daughter...
merci pour vous merveilleux commente (that ment(in case you dont know as much french as me)thank you for you wondeul comment)
I do the same thing at Borders! But I never feel guilty because I also spend so much money there...they could easily dedicate the cafe to me because I'm sure I've underwritten its cost several times.
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