So I cut a 6" by 6 1/2" pc of cardstock, sketched what I look like as best I could (yes, my family & DH recognized who the drawing was of, because of my double chin. I'll admit it.), then proceeded to cover the 'hair part' in all things red. My eyes are green, my hair is shades of red. If you'll look real close, the collage represents stuff about me:
- I love face stamps (there is one there on 2 pcs)
- I love asian anything (see the red diamond paper?)
- I love using alcohol inks
- I love metallic anything
- Basic Grey is my FAV paper line
- I love listening to music, especially classical when I do art
- I love making mail art, using old/used stamps
- My favorite color is green (which happens to be the color of my eyes and 75% of my shirts.)
- I love using wings in collage
- My 2nd favorite color is red.
Didn't know how I would collage my teeth or face, so I left it as is. I think I like it. I'm a little goofy looking, but that's normal. *wink*
Kris, Beth Warner here, I'm in the Idiom trade. I love your blog on Borders. My husband and I do the same thing all the time. I love spending time in there. Also, I noticed your cat page, we have seven little babies. Always like another cat lover! Anyway, hope my cards are okay, I just started doing ATC's and I noticed yours are very extensive and beautiful. I love them. I had alot of fun doing the ATC's. I can't wait to get mine in the mail. Thanks, Beth
Beth, your ATCs are beautiful! Especially love the 'Silence Is Golden' one, but also the eiffel tower one! I rec'd them in the mail this week. I can't wait to swap out that swap as well! Thanks for looking at my blog! Always nice to know I'm not here talking to myself! lol
uh, papa johns here... (DD) uh ya i recognized you by yer dubble chin... and uh i kinna like it.. it reminds me of the 'pirates of the caribean' movie... lol you know how johny depp had dreads? ya well, thats what it reminds me of lol and it ONLY took you like, how many, 4 hours??? lol thats pretty good for YOU mom lol anyhow i amore it mucho grande lol anyway, au revoir ma cherie!
3m0 alexoxoxox
what a great idea for her hair! so colorful and cool.
This is really quuite marvelous! I love the abundance of beauty in your hair! Your detailed explanation of the elements makes this an even richer experience. I like that part of doing the self portrait invloves doing it the way you do things...it'sall about the self. Wonderful job:>
I think I like it too...definitely love the hair. And no, you don't look goofy..you look and sound like a fun person to be around :)...
so lively and warm and creative self portrait!
i like your collage cards, too-
*...still think it looks like johny depp*
I love it! It is so happy!
like your work
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