Layered background of paints, transfer technique. Oil pastels (clouds and tree base). Multiple patterned papers, Basic Grey stickers, Prima Flowers, old food stamps, English Queen stamps, K&Co stickers, brads, sequins.
(By the way, DH just left for church and I handed him money for a RBL. I'm pathetic!)
Enought random thoughts. My art muse is calling. I have tons of ATCs and other things to make to cross them off my list and get me one step closer to art time just for ME. Wish me luck and speed of the creativity. Cheerios!
Just had to share, DD Sophia brought me 4 drawings today. They were so adorable and I was so proud. She is a 1st grader who is just catching the reading 'bug'. She has known some things for the last year, but anytime she hit a snag and couldn't read something she was trying, she would quit wanting to read. It's just been in the last couple months she tries to read everything, and now she is experimenting with spelling everything as well. Most the time she doesn't want you to help her spell it either. Notice a pattern? ha Ahhh, my independent soul of a child... My other DD was reading before kindergarten, different temperaments they have. I love watching a child 'get' something, you know? That is why I LOVE homeschooling. I get to see all the 'firsts'.
Anyway, I thought her pictures were worth a blog entry (first question she asked of course was 'are you going to scan them mommy?' A girl after my own heart.) Notice ladybug is said latebug (say the E as an E) and did you know dragonfly was spelled with a 'J'?
By the way, I was visiting one of my FAVORITE blogs today - Misty Eyed Art (Misty Mawn), and she mentioned a link to a reading site StarFall. My daughter has been hogging the computer all day, ever since. I'm so excited we found the site! Thanks Misty!
This doesn't include the two 1 gallon bags of fiber I still have to sort or the small Rubbermaid tote of old trims, ricrak and seam bindings. Ohh, and the pic is just of the ribbons that are shorter than 15 inches which I keep in a jar (instead of in bags/on rings/hanging in the doorjam like the other ribbons are --->see over there?)
Can someone please save me from myself? Okay, back to organizing...
Travel Quotes To Get Your Creativity Traveling...
(Picture is of my family, Jekyll Island, Georgia 2005. Girls first glimpse of the ocean, ever.)