Today's post will be short and sweet (as short as my wordy mouth can make it) because my brain is full of a huge to-do list for my sisters-in-law's baby shower tomorrow. I'm so not prepared. I'm supposed to be thinking up games, buying food & party favors. It's been a busy week.
Speaking of games, maybe its a throwback to when I was a kid but I love to play games. It's not often I have a party where we have adults playing games but my ideal party would have such. Even board or card games would do. I think the tendency is to have 'adult' parties where you don't play games because you're 'grown up now'. PUU-SSHHA! I think you're never too old to play at least a round of Rook. I mean, who said I was too old for Pin the Tail On the Donkey? Some of my favorite games are: Spades, Rook, Bunko, Charades (ideas) and Balderdash.
Have you ever played Tripoley ( or Tripoli, I think it's called?) We have this mat somewhere in the game closet that we used to play with, 15 years ago when DH was in the military. You lay it out on a table and I think you play 3 rounds of a game and people rotate chairs according to how they play? I can't remember exactly, but its a card game. I need to get that mat out and play. It brings back good friends memories.
One game our extended family likes to play sometimes, evolved on a Thanksgiving. It's Bingo, but we called it 'Thingo' for the holiday. We've played this game several times and its a running joke now because my parents usually plan it and they give gifts for wins. Things like gift cards to the gas station and food places, packs of greeting cards, soaps with plastic fish in ihem, little shampoos & shower caps from hotels. lol It really is a fun game and we have an old fashioned metal cage bingo game to use.
Adult Party Games
Party Games
Family Games
Card Games
Today's giveaways are some of my favorites.
1 - I have these 3 boxes. Full of game pieces, cards, chips, dominoes and more. You will get a baggie full of pieces to use in your art, plus some scrap papers to help you alter the pieces. If you're not an artist, please note that in your comment so I know if you're the winner to reward you another prize.

(game images borrowed from ArtChixStudio and VintageIndie respectively)
2 - I'm sure you've seen the necklaces I make in my Etsy shop. This will be a custom gift. I will be making a domino necklace, complete with chain, in the color you want. It will probably be similar to the Reflect necklace, but who knows, I don't tend to plan ahead when I create.

3 - Last present. This beautiful little envelope book has many pockets with cards inside. Use it to store your favorite ATCs or maybe pictures of your kids, grandkids or even pictures from your latest birthday party!

To win one of these prizes, please leave a comment and tell me your favorite game/s and/or a fun game playing experience.
(NOTE: There are 10 posts with giveaways for my birthday celebration. Don't forget to sign up for EACH post's prizes.)
NOTE #2: Feature Friday is postponed for this week and next but will return on October 10th. I know you were wondering where it was right? lol
Oooh! I would love to win one of the "arty" boxes with game pieces and art papers.
I am new to ATCs and mixed media art, so my "stash" isn't very large yet. It would be great to add more.
Games are a huge part of family holidays for my husband and his brother, so I really associate sitting down to a long or silly game as part of the Thanksgiving or Christmas tradition. But, seeing as how this is a birthday-themed post, it made me think of my 23rd birthday -- my husband invited a bunch of friends over and put together a quirky child-like party--we had a pinata he made himself (okay, in the shape of a tequila bottle! I was 23!) and played a variety of games and gave out gift bags to the winners. It was oodles of fun--which I also hope for your birthday! :D
A few of my favorite games are Apples to Apples (if kids are involved), Spoons, and FLUXX. tinawittmer(at)yahoo(dot)com
this is an awesome party! thanks for inviting us!!
We always play some version of pitch when we're with the grands, but lately just at home we're on a Clue kick.
Hi Kris!! Once again some fantastic, generous prizes! Wow!
My favorite game is scrabble.... boring maybe, but I love it!
I love memory games
I'm not an artist
Hi Contessa Kris!!
Scrabble, who does not love Scrabble?? When our power would go out we would play scrabble by candle light!! Nothing like lighting, dim light and Scrabble!!
Happy Birthday!!!
e are huge scrabble players in this house. Hubby and I used to play all the times and now the kids are old enough to join us
My absolute favorite game is pictionary. Some of our friends will get together or just a night with the children. We come up with some wacky ways to figure out the words!! cherryrhoades @ yahoo . com
My favorite game is, or I should say rather was, Twister. I'm not flexible anymore and would probably put my back out if I tried it. When I was a child I loved Pin the Tail on the Donkey best. I'm not much of a card or board game player.
I am a scrabble fan. I love words. The kids like to play board games, we had an ongoing monopoly game for months. Now I just keep a jigsaw puzzle up so everyone can help. Happy Birthday! I hope you have alot of cake and games.
Wow! My favorite games is Alias or Pictionary...
Hmm - games - I have not played games in a long time - however, I can remember when the children were younger many nights and weekends were spent play monopoly and trivial pursuit. Thank you for reminding me to play again!
PS Happy burthday
You are the party queen! I love playing games, we used to play pictionary, trivial pursuit, pinochle, scattergories....you name it. I like the Thingo game..lol..might be an idea to do for out Thanksgiving shindig, too!
I'd love any of your gifts-I am an artist so the game pieces would be cool!
My husbands family are really into playing games etc and we all sit around at Christmas and play several. My favourite has to be Rummikub the numbers version - I just love it!
we love to play games at our house. Trivial Pursuit games are bi here as well as any of the Music games, cards, Pictionary, bean-bags, etc. We also have Tripoli and we play it with pennies and a large group. You can really bring in a haul without losing much either. The kids always thought it was more fun to win piles of pennies! I love the game pieces and would really love any of the necklaces!!! Kathy Eddy
My favorite game is Scrabble. I have the Deluxe edition but none of my family want to play with me. DH loves card games and we like to play UNO. We also like Yahtzee. We need to get back in the habit of playing games!
Our fave game is monopoly - and my son is really good at beating the pants offa me!! I also love card games and - pre children - have spent many a happy night with friends playing cards and games until the wee hours of the morning!!
joan : )
i like candyland and chutes and ladders! i cant wait for Sawyer to be big enough to play!
i also love sudoko...it is kinda a game!
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